iPad Backligth Not Working

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Recently my iPad’s backlight has stopped working, I don’t know why but it just became dark. The screen is barely visible, I still able to see things from the screen so I know it’s still sort of working. I worried for minutes then searching trough search engine and found how to fix it. If same thing happen to you, you can try this :

  • Reboot your device, if it still working it must be shine when apple logo appear, if not then try to
  • Go into Settings > Brightness & Wallpaper, recalibrate it brightness or turn off Auto-Brightness and up the slider.

That’s all, working for me, hope working for you too.


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“Berbukalah dengan yang manis” ialah kalimat yang sering terdengar apalagi disaat bulan Ramadhan, untuk yang wondering kenapa saya menulis artikel bertajuk manis, ini dikarenakan saya habis berbuka puasa 😀 (excuses, padahal lagi kehabisan hal untuk dibagi). Oke, kembali ke manis, mengapa bisa ada kalimat seperti pada awal artikel? ada apa dengan manis? manis seperti yang kita ketahui asalnya dari gula. Gula memiliki banyak manfaat bagi tubuh, yakni sebagai sumber karbohidrat yang akan diolah menjadi glukosa dan menjadi makanan bagi sel-sel tubuh kita, bahkan otakpun makanannya ialah gula.


Oleh ahli gizi gula dibagi atas dua kelompok, yakni simple sugar (gula sederhana) dan complex sugar (gula kompleks). Gula sederhana seperti butiran gula tergolong monosakarida, hanya memiliki satu molekul, tidak mengandung zat gizi dan mineral sehingga mudah diproses menjadi glukosa, saya sendiri biasanya memanfaatkan gula sederhana ini sebagai pertolongan pertama saat lemas. Sedangkan gula kompleks seperti nasi, jagung, gundam eh gandum :p , ice cream, dll memilik zat vitamin dan mineral.
Apapun bentuk bentuknya, kandungan gizinya tetap serupa bila sudah di cerna menjadi glukosa maupun fruktosa dan menjadi sumber energi, itulah sebabnya mengapa yang manis-manis baik segera dikomsumsi saat berbuka puasa, yang perlu diperhatikan ialah moderasi, komsumsi apapun yang berlebihan tanpa diimbangi dengan olah raga termasuk komsumsi gula dapat berdampak buruk bagi tubuh misalnya obesitas.

Glashfish – Regain Connection After Database Service Down

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Lately I get trouble because my database service is often restart and makes connection from glashfish server to that database become failure. The aftermath is every EJB timer which need connection to the database didn’t fulfill it purpose or raise exception. Restart glashfish everytime database service restarted to regain connection is tiresome solution.

After attempt varying glashfish connectionPool setting, I found an setting that should applied to make connectionPool able to regain it connection to database service automatically.
Here is settings that need to change/add :
  • is-connection-validation-required=”true”
  • idle-timeout-in-seconds=”300″
  • connection-creation-retry-attempts=”2″
  • connection-validation-method=”table”
  • validation-table-name=”myTable”
  • property.dynamic-reconfiguration-wait-timeout-in-seconds=”15″

NB : validation-table-name should be filled by table which not often change or doesn’t have much record/row.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!--Meihta Dwiguna Saputra-->
<!DOCTYPE resources PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Application Server 9.0 Resource Definitions //EN" "http://www.sun.com/software/appserver/dtds/sun-resources_1_3.dtd">
<property name="URL" value="jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/myDatabase"/>
<property name="User" value="server"/>
<property name="Password" value="server"/>
<property name="DatabaseName" value="myDatabase"/>
<property name="driverClass" value="org.postgresql.Driver"/>
<property name="dynamic-reconfiguration-wait-timeout-in-seconds" value="15"/>
<jdbc-resource enabled="true" jndi-name="myJndi" object-type="user" pool-name="myConnectionPool"/>

Hope the post useful, thanks for reading. 🙂
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SSH Tunneling with PuTTy


Today I have to connect to computer (192.xxx.xxx.xxx) which is out of my LAN to test my client application which is have to send data  through port 12345. There’s no public IP or VPN in that computer LAN and one of best way I know about how to connect and have access with that computer is through tunneling, see picture below for illustration. By the way I’m currently running Windows OS and like title said we gonna use putty, anyway by landed in this post I expect you already knew what putty is so I wouldn’t explain about it & where you should download it.

PC labeled MDSaputra is PC I currently use, inside of it there’s client application that must connect to Server. PC with ip 182.xxx.xxx.xxx is the only connectible  PC from outside their LAN but the only way to connect to it only through port 22. Okay now lets make a way from that door.

  1. First run your PuTTy, expand SSH then click Tunnels,
  2. Fill source port with your available port (which port you want to use later), fill destination with server or target ip and port, then click Add,
  3. Click Session, fill Host Name with ip address of PC that connectible trough SSH, give a name for it, then Save.
  4. Double Click your saved session, you will be have to write user name and password, now the client application can send data to server (192.xxx.xxx.xxx) through localhost port 12345.
  5. We actually done , but if you want to get full access to 192.xxx.xxx.xxx you can try this command : username@192.xxx.xxx.xxx -p 2222
  6. Write the correct password, now 192.xxx.xxx.xxx is like your own PC, you can explore, delete, etc whatever you want.

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iPhone – Lime Screen of Death

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Last night my iPhone stuck on Lime Screen of Death, the cause is I keep use it to make a call when the battery is below 5% then turned off when it reach 0, ofcourse I’m not did that on purpose, I thought I well plug it into electricity jack while in fact it not. When I try to turn it on, I get this lime screen, then I tried to make sure it well plugged into electricity, but it keep show this lime screen. Then I search trough my favorite search engine and landed in forum which is talk about the same thing.

There’s a lot way to solve this problem in that forum thread, but one that worked on me is plug it to computer (you will keep see the lime screen), let it be for 5-10 minutes, unplug it, then push power button, done (in my case), now apple logo should be appear. In case to prevent it from run out of battery when restarting, I recommend to plug it again to computer. Hope this method working for you too.

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